Our natural products at the Puria Spa

Natural care in the PURIA Spa

Every day, our skin battles dust, exhaust fumes and dry air that is usually too hot or too cold. We treat your skin with local, natural products – from Rügen rapeseed oil to natural salts – to restore its balance and reinforce its barriers. Our herbal exfoliating treatment, for instance, opens your pores and helps your skin regenerate itself naturally. Fine salt crystals gently remove dead skin cells; they have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect and support your metabolism. Rügen rapeseed oil protects your skin and leaves it smooth and supple. Our natural products support the skin's natural regenerative process and are sourced from our local area.

Rügen rapeseed oil and herb-infused Rügen rapeseed oil

The little town of Rothenkirchen lies in the south of the island of Rügen, between Rambin and Samtens. This is where one of our suppliers, Rügener Landhandel, is based. Their rapeseed oil is cold-pressed, which means that its precious vitamins and other components remain intact.


It is odourless, free from preservatives and has a deep, golden colour. The DGF has praised it as one of Germany’s best rapeseed oils. Rügen’s very own pot of gold Rapeseed oil is great for cooking certain dishes, but it can do more than that. We love to use it as a massage oil. Unlike other oils, pure rapeseed oil is very easily absorbed by the skin and leaves it especially soft and supple. We infuse our rapeseed oil with seasonal herbs, such as nettle, mint and lavender. The combination of the oil and the various herbs positively affect the body, mind and soul.

Herbal Salt Scrub

Besides our original Rügen rapeseed oil, we also offer natural salt from our supplier Salzmanufaktur Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Natural salts are the building blocks of all life.


Human and animal organisms are incapable of producing minerals on their own. They need to consume them in a usable form, for example, in natural salts. In addition to sodium and chloride, they contain all the minerals and trace elements that our bodies need to survive and thrive. Our skin depends on them, too. We mix a variety of salts – Baltic sea salt, Alpine salt, Persian salt, halite and Himalayan mountain salt – with herbs such as mint, nettle, lavender and coriander.

For our herb-infused oil from Rügen, we take advantage of the natural healing properties of the herbs we use.


This fragrant culinary herb is just as powerful as a natural remedy for your skin. Coriander has an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effect; it is soothing and rich in vitamin C. Our cells require vitamin C to produce collagen, which makes the skin elastic and prevents wrinkles and premature ageing. Coriander oil restores the balance of our skin entirely naturally.


Nettles contain many common compounds. The parts of the plants that are above ground are rich in mineral salts, soluble silica, amino acids, vitamins, carotinoids and flavonoids. Nettles contain a lot of vitamin C and iron, and six times as much calcium as milk.


Mint oil is suitable for external application. Its initial cooling effect soon gives way to a pleasant warmth. It is important to keep the oil away from the eyes, as it is an irritant.


Lavender affects the body, skin, mind and soul in many ways. Its essential oil consists of around 200 substances and has been successfully used to treat a wide range of conditions for centuries, from acne and skin diseases to psychological disorders.

Our tip

Use our herbal salt before you enter the sauna. Applied to your moistened skin, it will give you a pleasantly warm sensation that harmonises fantastically with the effect of the herbal-salt exfoliating treatment: sauna bliss like you have never experienced it before.


Take a shower and rub the herbal salt onto your skin before your sauna session. Your pores open and old skin cells are removed. Now, shower the herbal salt off. Your skin will be perfectly prepared for its time in the sauna.


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